Tuber diversity of Dioscorea hispida from Muna Island, Indonesia, for potential microencapsulated bioherbicide agents




Abstract. Putri WE, Johannes E, Sjafaraenan. 2025. Tuber diversity of Dioscorea hispida from Muna Island, Indonesia, for potential microencapsulated bioherbicide agents. Asian J Agric 9: 174-185. The diversity of tubers from the Dioscoreaceae family scattered across Muna Island has various characteristics. The sample collection locations include 6 villages, namely Tampo, Wakumoro, Oelongko, Lasehao, Napano Kusambi, and Napalakura, with the species uwi (Dioscorea alata L.) and gembili (Dioscorea esculenta L.), which are utilized by the local community as staple food substitutes for rice, made into chips. At the same time, gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennts.) is used as a natural herbicide. This research aims to determine the diversity of Dioscorea tubers and their potential as bioherbicides using the microencapsulation method. The potential uses of these tubers, from staple food substitutes to natural herbicides, are not only practical but also inspiring. This research uses an experimental quantitative method with a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD), which includes treatment concentration and types of weeds with 3 levels and 4 replications; treatment concentrations of 20, 30, and 40% with the types of weeds: Thunbergia alata, Centrosema pubescens, Phyllanthus amarus, and Calopogonium mucunoides. The obtained data were analyzed using ANOVA. One of the species differences found is in the color of the tuber flesh; D. alata and D. hispida have orange-white flesh, while D. esculenta has purple-white flesh. Based on the results, the application of a 40% concentration has an effective impact in inhibiting the length of weed roots.



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