Vegetation structure and carbon stock potential in the community-managed forest of the Mid-Western Hilly Region, Nepal




Abstract. Rawal K, Subedi PB. 2022. Vegetation structure and carbon stock potential in the community-managed forest of the Mid-Western Hilly Region, Nepal. Asian J For 6: 15-21. Community forests (CF) play a crucial role in sustainable development and accumulate carbon to mitigate global climate change. The objective of this study was to evaluate the plant diversity, regeneration status, and carbon stock potential of two community-managed Shorea robusta-dominated forests in Nepal's Dailekh District, namely Bayeldhunga Pahapu CF and Bayeldhunga CF. A total of 76 sample plots were studied using a systematic sampling intensity of 0.5%. The density of species in the developmental phase was used to determine the forest's regeneration condition. Allometric equations were used to calculate the aboveground carbon store of tree species. Shorea robusta Gaertn. was the foremost species regarding regeneration and carbon storage in the studied forest areas, with high regeneration conditions. The seedlings, saplings, and trees in the Bayeldhunga Pahapu CF exceeded those in the Bayeldhunga CF. In both study areas, J-shaped reverse population curves were observed. This study provided details on tree species' regeneration condition, structure, proportions, and carbon sequestration capacity, which is critical for community forest management and conservation. The analysis showed that by altering the structure and proportions of community forests, community management has boosted the carbon storage of forests and enhanced forest productivity.



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