Impacts of different salinity levels on seedling growth and survival of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans)




Abstract. Matto AA, Jaikishun S, Ram M. 2023. Impacts of different salinity levels on seedling growth and survival of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans). Asian J For 7: 67-73. Mangroves are important for coastal protection and provide numerous ecosystem services such as breeding, feeding, and nursery grounds for commercial fishes. This research examined the survivability of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans (L.) L.) seedlings in seven salinity concentrations. Growth parameters were collected every ten days, and a post-harvest analysis was done at the end of the data collection period. The results indicated that as the salinity level increased, the growth of the seedlings was reduced. Salinity can affect the different parameters collected in the growth of young seedlings. In the control, which was given zero salinity (0 ppt), it was noted that the growth parameters were not significantly affected. The lower treatments, such as T2 (15 ppt), 3 (30 ppt), and 4 (45 ppt), indicated that the seedlings strive better in these conditions. In treatment 7, which was the highest salinity level (90 ppt), the growth parameters of the seedlings were reduced. The findings of this research indicated that black mangrove seedlings need a low salinity level to have a good growth establishment. Given the adaptability of A. germinans, these mangrove species are anticipated to be flexible to cope with a wide range of future climatic circumstances.



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