Volume and aboveground biomass models for a dry evergreen montane forest in Tanzania
Abstract. Mwaluseke ML, Mwakalukwa EE, Maliondo SMS. 2023. Volume and aboveground biomass models for a dry evergreen montane forest in Tanzania. Asian J For 7: 45-53. Models available for accurately estimating trees and shrubs' volume and aboveground biomass from dry evergreen montane forests in Tanzania are largely lacking. Therefore, this study was conducted to develop volume, and aboveground biomass models for a dry evergreen montane forest of Lendikinya Forest Reserve found in Northern Tanzania. A total of thirty sample trees and shrubs with a diameter range of 5-58.5 cm were destructively harvested and used in this study. Specifically, the study developed (i) the height-diameter model and (ii) the total volume and aboveground biomass models. The following height, volume, and biomass models appear to be suitable for estimating tree height, volume, and biomass of tree and shrub species found in the study site: Height (m) =2.3249 + 6.6101/DBH + 0.2847DBH (R2 = 0.78, RMSE = 1.79, AIC = 164.37), ln(Volume, m3) = -9.845 + 1.915 ln(DBH) + 1.089ln(Ht) (R2 = 0.97, RMSE = 0.296, AIC = -144.18) and ln(Biomass, kg) = -1.666 + 0.853ln(WD x DBH2 x Ht) (R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 0.324, AIC = 224.13). Both models yielded low bias, hence indicating an excellent fit. These models will be useful in understanding the condition of the forest and the potential of this forest in storing carbon hence, the possibility of benefiting from the ongoing negotiations of REDD+ schemes for payment for avoided deforestation and degradation through sustainable management of the reserve.