Ecotourism development as a community-based conservation effort in Ayah Mangrove Forest, Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Afifah RN, Putri A, Hartanti AN, Negari SIT, Pratama MSR, Zuaini PAK, Al Madani AR, Muryanto BS, Muhammad F, Astikasari L, Indriyani S, Kurniawati I, Sunarto, Kusumaningrum L, Budiharta S, Flores AB, Setyawan AD. 2023. Ecotourism development as a community-based conservation effort in Ayah Mangrove Forest, Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. Asian J For 7: 37-44. The mangrove ecosystem is a transition ecosystem between terrestrial and marine zones affected by tidal waves, water inundation, and high saline water and soil. Mangrove forest plays an important role in physical, ecological and socio-economic aspects. One potential function of mangrove forests from the socio-economic aspect is ecotourism. Ayah Mangrove Forest in Ayah Village, Kebumen District, Central Java Province, Indonesia, has the potential to be developed as a mangrove-based ecotourism area that combines the objective of income generation and mangrove conservation. This research was conducted to examine the conservation and ecotourism efforts by the people of Ayah Village and to assess the local community's perception of the development of mangrove-based ecotourism. The research was conducted in November 2022. Primary data were collected using field observation and interviews with 100 respondents aged 17-60 years using the snowball sampling method, while secondary data were collected using a literature review. The results showed that efforts to protect the Ayah Mangrove Forest area included establishing zones for protection, rehabilitation, and utilization of the mangrove forest. There are also mangrove rehabilitation efforts that involve the community in the form of the establishment of nurseries, mangrove planting, and maintenance of planted seedlings. The local community also carry out garbage cleaning program and public outreach. Besides the conservation aspect, Ayah Mangrove Forest is also utilized for ecotourism objects that generate income for the local community by selling tickets, boats, foods, beverages and souvenirs, tour guides, and parking attendants. Most of the local community has good perceptions and agreed on the development of Ayah Mangrove Forest as an ecotourism area. They are willing to be involved in ecotourism planning and development activities. The community agreed to participate in tour guide activities, selling souvenirs, providing homestays, and participating in ecotourism counseling. Most of the local community has also agreed to form a mangrove conservation community to maintain the sustainability of mangrove forest ecotourism. Nonetheless, support from the government is required, especially in the promotion and rehabilitation programs in the ecotourism development of Ayah Mangrove Forest.



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