Woody plant diversity and aboveground carbon stock of Dipterocarpus chartaceus dominant forests in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, South Vietnam
Abstract. Hop NV, Quy NV, Lam NV, Trong PT, Thinh PC. 2023. Woody plant diversity and aboveground carbon stock of Dipterocarpus chartaceus dominant forests in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, South Vietnam. Asian J For: 114-124. The dominant forest of Dipterocarpus chartaceus Symington in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, South Vietnam, has an important ecological role and high conservation value relevant to climate change by storing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. This study assesses the diversity of woody plants and estimates biomass and carbon stocks in different forest states. The study used a typical sample plot setting method was used. Trees with a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) > 6 cm were measured, and species were identified in 9 sample plots of 50m x 20m in the very poor, poor, and medium forests. A total of 640 tree individuals belonging to 45 species, 34 genera, and 25 families were recorded. The most species-rich family was represented by Dipterocarpaceae (7 species). A total of 15 threatened species (33.33%) belonging to 11 genera from 8 families were listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book (2007) and IUCN Red List (2022). The Margalef (d), Shannon-Wiener (H'), Simpson (Cd), and Sorensen Index (SI) were analyzed for tree species. The study illustrated that medium forests had the highest diversity, followed by poor forests, and the lowest belonged to very poor forests. The ability to accumulate biomass and aboveground carbon stocks varied widely from 48.15 t/ha-196.15 t/ha and 24.07 Ct/ha-98.42 Ct/ha. The medium forest had the highest total carbon stock, followed by the very poor forest and the lowest poor forest. The study provides an essential database for strategies and plans for conserving plant biodiversity and improving the power of CO2 accumulation to adapt to climate change.