Avenue tree diversity in the urban area of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India




Abstract. Aravindhan V, Jeevith S, Aruna R, Ramachandran VS, Gopal G. 2024. Avenue tree diversity in the urban area of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Asian J For 8: 72-80. The flowering plant is the major natural source of human companion with biodiversity in the whole plant kingdom. The present study aimed to determine the arborescent plant species of an urban stretch in selected highway routes of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. The present investigation is based on the plant's flowering type, economic uses, and their role in the ecosystem. The current survey recorded the arboreal species and found that 107 species belonging to 83 genera and 35 families are listed. The dominant families are the Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae, Rutaceae, Malvaceae, Myrtaceae, and Sapindaceae. Among the 107 taxa, 62 are found to be native species, and 45 are introduced. The general use category of avenue trees was analyzed as ornamental plants (23%), medicinal plants (21%), timber plants (14%), pollution-reducing plants (14%), pollen/nectar-providing plants (10%), edible plants (8%), frugivory (6%) and toxic (4%). Considering the rapidly changing urban land use in Coimbatore, a sub-urban area, much attention should be paid towards creating tree islands by planting more native trees, which would help reduce dust pollution and air pollution, produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide-free of cost, and improve wildlife. Also, this study presented an updated checklist of avenue trees in the Coimbatore urban area.



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