Temporal dynamics of plant communities on Thirukudder Hill in Thiruparankundram, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India




Abstract. Palsamy P, Gayathrippriya S, Krishnan SG, Chinnakaruppan M, Premkumar M, Muthuvel U, Suresh K. 2024. Temporal dynamics of plant communities on Thirukudder Hill in Thiruparankundram, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India. Asian J For 8: 115-125. The present investigation was conducted in Thirukudder Hill, situated in Thiruparankundram, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India, aimed to analyze plant community dynamics from December 2019, January, February, and March 2020, total of thirty-six (2×2 m) quadrats were randomly sampled to assess species distribution. The study investigation revealed significant diversity in frequency indices, ranging from 2.778 to 88.889. Solanum nigrum displayed the highest frequency (88.88) in December 2019, while 20 species like Blepharis maderaspatana and Corchorus tridens consistently exhibited lower values (2.778) across all seasons. Density patterns showed ecological dynamics, with Cardiospermum helicacabum having maximum density (24.11) in December 2019 and 18 species maintaining consistently low densities (0.028). Abundance fluctuations were observed, with Chrysopogon orientalis peaking in February 2020, while species like Allmania nodiflora, Boerhavia diffusa, Chamaecrista mimosoides, Vachellia leucophloea, Corchorus aestuans, Asparagus racemosus etc., showed minimal abundance (1.00) throughout all study seasons. Canthium coromandelicum displayed the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) in February 2020 (48.698), while V. leucophloea recorded the lowest (0.002), indicating varied impacts on community structure. In Shannon's Index, C. orientalis exhibited a higher value (0.14) in February 2020, contrasting with C. tridens and Vicoa indica, which showed lower index values (0.001). These findings illustrate the dynamic nature of plant communities in Thirukudder Hill, emphasizing the temporal variability and structural significance of key plant species in shaping the local ecosystem's composition and diversity over the study period. The study highlights how the presence and interactions of specific plant species can lead to substantial changes in the ecosystem's structure, affecting everything from soil composition to the availability of resources for other organisms. By analyzing these temporal changes, the study offers significant insights into the resilience and adaptability of plant communities amid environmental variations. This contributes to a deeper comprehension of ecosystem dynamics and aids in shaping conservation strategies.



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