Analysis of the potential bamboo and bamboo processing industry in Sumedang District, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Al’afifah JA, Sumardi I, Darwis A. 2025. Analysis of the potential bamboo and bamboo processing industry in Sumedang District, West Java, Indonesia. Asian J For 9: 24-33. Bamboo production in Sumedang District in 2016 reached 1,599,056 culms. This relatively high production does not align with the popularity of its bamboo processing industry. In contrast, Tasikmalaya District, which has a similar level of bamboo productivity, has become one of the centers of the bamboo industry in West Java. Therefore, this research aims to identify the current potential of bamboo, identify the potential of the bamboo industry, and determine strategies for developing the bamboo industry in Sumedang District. The identification of the potential and availability of bamboo is conducted through mixed quantitative-qualitative method analysis obtained from interviews with Forestry Department Branch IX West Java, Indonesia. In contrast, the identification of the potential of the bamboo industry is done through qualitative descriptive analysis and value added analysis using the Hayami method based on data from interviews with bamboo industry players. Industry development strategies are determined using SWOT analysis. Findings indicate Sumedang has 126,210 bamboo culms, with 3,505 available for monthly harvest. Only 73% of the harvestable bamboo, or 2,565 culms monthly, is utilized. The local bamboo industry is predominantly home-based with minimal production capacity, using basic tools to create low-priced products. The added value ranges from 0-97%, with low profit margins, and competition from substitute products hinders market competitiveness. To develop the industry, intensive strategies are needed, including product diversification and innovation, market penetration, and accessing global markets.



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