Review: Ethno-mycological perception towards wood ear fungi (Auricularia spp.) in and around the Indian Subcontinent




Abstract. Giri S, Paul P, Pradhan P. 2025. Review: Ethno-mycological perception towards wood ear fungi (Auricularia spp.) in and around the Indian Subcontinent. Asian J For 9: 82-96. The genus Auricularia, commonly called wood ear fungi, is a notable group of basidiomycetes valued for their culinary, medicinal, and nutraceutical properties. These fungi, widely distributed across tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions, play a crucial ecological role as saprophytes and potential plant parasites. Domesticated for over 2,000 years in East Asia, Auricularia spp. has been integral to traditional Chinese medicine, treating ailments such as sore throats, ophthalmia, and staphylococcal infections. Their bioactive compounds exhibit antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, and immune-enhancing properties, with Auricularia auricula-judae is notable for its lovastatin content, beneficial in managing hypercholesterolemia. In the Indian subcontinent, Auricularia spp. hold significant ethnomycological value, particularly among indigenous communities in the Northeastern states, as well as in Bhutan and Nepal. However, their usage varies, with communities of Tibeto-Burman language family integrating them deeply into culinary and medicinal practices, while communities of Austro-Asiatic language family remain less familiar. This disparity in use is influenced by factors such as cultural practices, availability, and the transmission of traditional knowledge. Despite their economic potential, commercial cultivation in the region is underdeveloped, contrasting with China’s dominance in global Auricularia production. With improved cultivation techniques, awareness, and market strategies, these fungi could bolster rural economies. The present review explores the ethno-mycological perception towards the genus Auricularia in and around the Indian sub-continent, highlighting their cultural, medicinal, and economic significance.



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