Developing a mud crab ecotourism business model in the mangrove forest ecosystems of Belitong UNESCO Global Geopark, Indonesia




Abstract. Mahbubi A, Fatoni A, Iskandar. 2025. Developing a mud crab ecotourism business model in the mangrove forest ecosystems of Belitong UNESCO Global Geopark, Indonesia. Asian J For 9: 13-23. The traditional mud crab business model, which involves trading fresh mud crabs, exhibits limited sustainability, particularly in the Belitong UNESCO Global Geoparks (Belitong UGGp) mangrove area. Scylla tranquebarica (Fabricius, 1798) is more abundant than Scylla serrata (Forskål, 1775) and other mud crab species in the Belitong UGGp. This study aims to develop a mud crab ecotourism business model within the Belitong UGGp mangrove forest ecosystem. This study employs a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews with mud crab catchers and mangrove forest tourists, as well as focus group discussions with Belitong UGGp management, the Indonesian Tourism Association, and the tourism and creative economy office of the Belitong District Government. The data analysis in this study used content analysis involving the Business Model Canvas (BMC), empathy map, and value innovation framework. The qualitative analysis procedure covered the phases of data condensation, presentation, and conclusion or verification. The reliability of the study, tested using the kappa coefficient, yielded an excellent score of 0.81. Promoting innovation in business models involves creating diverse products and mud crab ecotourism programs, such as culinary offerings, snacks, souvenirs, educational tours, and tracking; fostering activities, such as mud crab processing; and establishing resources, such as mud crab galleries. In addition, it will enhance customer relationships and stakeholder collaboration, reduce the trade of fresh mud crabs with consumers outside the region, and eliminate small mud crab fishing.



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