Plant diversity of Betel Leaf Agroforestry of South Meghalaya, Northeast India




Abstract. Tynsong H, Tiwari BK, Dkhar M. 2018. Plant diversity of Betel Leaf Agroforestry of South Meghalaya, Northeast India. Asian J For 2: 1-11. Large areas of lowland tropical forests of South Meghalaya have been converted into betel leaf agroforestry systems by the tribal people living in the area. The betel leaf agroforestry with diverse and structurally complex shade canopies conserve a significant portion of the original forest biodiversity. The impact of land-use change on biodiversity was studied using standard vegetation analysis and biodiversity estimation methods. A total of 160 plant species were recorded in natural forests out of which 75 were trees, 40 shrubs, and 45 herbs, while in betel leaf agroforestry, a total of 159 plant species, 94 trees, 17 shrubs and 48 herbs were recorded. A total of 34 tree species, 13 shrub species, and 14 herb species were common in both land-uses. All the plant species were native species. The study revealed that the conversion of natural forest to betel leaf agroforestry in South Meghalaya has no significant impact on tree and herb diversity. However, the basal area and density are affected to some extent. The land-use change has also affected the density and diversity of shrubs. The study concludes that betel leaf agroforestry in South Meghalaya developed by the indigenous War Khasi tribe through experiential learning over several generations has emerged as a fairly sustainable agroforestry system causing minimal impact on plant diversity.



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