Review: Forest management and conservation practices in Ethiopia: Opportunities and constraints
Abstract. Amenu BT. 2018. Review: Forest management and conservation practices in Ethiopia: Opportunities and constraints. Asian J For 2: 77-82. Ethiopia has various and diversified natural resources. Forests are one of the most valuable resources of the country that have several benefits for society. It constitutes various social, economic, and other uses. This review identified that forests are an important part of the environment and economy of a nation. When managed well, forests provide clean air and water, homes for wildlife, beautiful scenery, places for recreation and more than 5,000 products that are used every day. Forest resources and forest lands should be managed and used on sustainable basis to fulfill the social, economic, cultural and spiritual needs of the present and future generations. By its nature, forestry is concerned with maintaining the quality of various non-market benefits. In forest management, trees are harvested for a variety of reasons including improving the health of the forest; controlling the types of trees that grow on the site; attracting certain wildlife species; providing a source of income for the landowner; producing paper, lumber and numerous other forest products; and improving access to the area for hikers, hunters and other recreational users. There are some constraints in forest conservation and management, including addressing poverty and forest governance by promoting forest ownership and access rights; promoting greater recognition of the rights of local and indigenous groups; and giving greater attention to land tenure, ownership, and rights-to-resource. Conversely, the greatest opportunities in forest management lie in forest and land restoration.
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