Analysis of climate change knowledge and its implications on livelihood options in Naituyupaki Location, Maasai Mau Forest, Narok County, Kenya
Abstract. Kong’ani LNS, Mutune JM, Thenya T. 2018. Analysis of climate change knowledge and its implications on livelihood options around Naituyupaki Location, Maasai Mau Forest, Narok County, Kenya. Asian J For 2: 62-66. Climate change knowledge among rural communities adjacent to forests influences their response in terms of mitigations and adaptations of their livelihoods. Rural households are highly dependent on natural resources, whose base is highly indisputably threatened by the changing climate. The aim of this study was to reveal the knowledge on climate change perceived by forest-based communities around Maasai Mau Forest, Narok County, Kenya. Results indicate that 93% of the respondents were aware of climate change through life experiences. The cited primary causes of climate change by 72% of the respondents included natural causes (26%), human activities (2%) and punishment from Gods respectively. The rural communities also perceived that their main livelihood activities (i.e., agricultural production and forest products collection) were to a large extent affected by climate change. There is a need to continuously expose local community to emerging knowledge on the impact of climate change for improved mitigation and adaptations.
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