Bringing back the Chakaria Sundarbans mangrove forest of South-east Bangladesh through sustainable management approach
Abstract. Dutta S, Hossain MK. 2020. Bringing back the Chakaria Sundarbans mangrove forest of Southeast Bangladesh through sustainable management approach. Asian J For 4: 65-76. The oldest mangrove forest of Indian sub-continent namely Chakaria Sundarbans (CS) is currently in a critical situation. Destructive anthropogenic and natural impacts coupled with shrimp farming and excessive grazing have caused severe damage to this oldest mangrove ecosystem. A study was carried out based on the extensive literature survey and tried to explore the overall situation and conservation practices for CS of Bangladesh. This paper analyzed, reviewed, and identified the impacts of natural and man-made effects on CS mangroves. Finally, we recommended the sustainable management approach (SMA) including policy and participation of the local people for bringing back this potential natural mangrove forest resource of CS along with rich forest diversity.
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