Livelihood status of local communities around Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem in Shymnagar Upazila, Satkhira, Bangladesh
Abstract. Azad AK, Pitol MNS, Rakkibu MG. 2020. Livelihood status of local communities around Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem in Shymnagar Upazila, Satkhira, Bangladesh. Asian J For 5: 28-35. Sundarbans of Bangladesh is the largest single mangrove complex in the world which plays essential roles in delivering economic, ecological, and social functions, including providing livelihoods for local communities. The study aims to know the livelihood status and dependency of local people on Sundarbans in Shymnagar Upazila, Satkhira District, Bangladesh. A questionnaire survey was carried out in the studied area, involving 130 respondents in three unions. Most of the respondents (65%) were middle-aged (30-50 years old) and 22% of them were female and 78% were male. Among them about 51% were illiterate, 24% had primary education, while 25% had secondary education. About 72% of the respondents were fully dependent and 21% were partially dependent on Sundarbans for their livelihoods. Only 37% of people in these areas had their shrimp farm (gher). The respondents collected fuelwood (92%), aquatic resources (80%), small timber (54%), honey (27%), goran (Ceriops decandra) (8%), and golpata (Nypa fruticans) (6%) from Sundarbans. Only 63% of the respondents had their livestock like cows (2%), poultry (68%), and goats (30%), whereas 84% of respondents were involved with different NGOs. Among the respondents, 70% had the access to disaster warnings, whereas only 24% had shelter facilities. Only 28% of respondents had access to drinking water from deep tube-well and 33% from ponds. About 50% of the respondents did not get better medical treatment and were dependent on village doctors and only 8% of respondents received treatment from Government hospitals. It was alarming to know that about 91% of respondents did not know co-management in Sundarbans. Most of the people living here were not satisfied with their present occupations and about 98% of them were eager to start a new occupation. Only 11% of respondents got benefitted from government Vulnerable Group Feeding / Vulnerable Group Development support. The results of this study suggest that the government and different NGOs might provide necessary supports for local people so that they can start alternative occupations and their dependencies on the Sundarbans may be reduced significantly.
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