Plant species diversity and crown cover response to vegetation regeneration in community-managed forest in Makawanpur District, Nepal
Abstract. Ghimire P, Lamichhane U. 2020. Plant species diversity and crown cover response to vegetation regeneration in community-managed forest in Makawanpur District, Nepal. Asian J For 5: 36-41. Community forestry is considered as a win-win solution for forest conservation and livelihood provision of forest-based communities. Yet, limited knowledge is available regarding the status of vegetation regeneration in community forests. The study was carried out to assess plant species diversity and crown cover response to regeneration composition in Nawalpur Saraswati (Basamadi) Community Forest of Hetauda Municipality, Makawanpur District, Nepal in November 2020 to December 2020. A stratified random sampling method with a total of 94 sample plots was applied in the study. In total, 44 species belonging to 26 families were recorded in the study site, of which 23 species were represented in tree category, 14 in shrub, and 7 in herb category. Both Shannon-Weiner and Simpson's diversity indices indicated good floral species diversity in the study area. The forest was dominated by Shorea robusta with 396 stem ha-1, followed by Terminalia bellerica 29 stem ha-1, Lagerstroemia parviflora 25 stem ha-1, and Terminalia tomentosa 21 stem ha-1, respectively. Both seedling and sapling were found in good numbers with seedlings 11,583 number ha-1and saplings were 1,896 number ha-1. Both seedling and sapling density was recorded higher in open crown coverage (seedlings=32625 number ha-1; saplings=5033 number ha-1) than in close crown coverage (seedlings=13,708 number ha-1; saplings=2,550 number ha-1). Therefore, the study concluded that crown opening facilitates the growth and development of regeneration density in Shorea robusta and its associated forests. Furthermore, the information generated could be useful to predict future trends in species composition and stand structure in order to optimize the possible forest management strategies.
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