Biogas production from POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) with the addition of EPOB compost (Empty Palm Oil Bunches)




Abstract. Ramadhani GH, Mahajoeno E, Susilowati A. 2020. Biogas production from POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) with the addition of EPOB compost (Empty Palm Oil Bunches). Bioteknologi 17: 22-26. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is mostly produced by palm oil factories, resulting in environmental pollution. One strategy is by processing waste into a biogas product. The purpose of this research is (1) to make compost from EPOB to produce good compost; (2) to determine the level of biogas (CH4) produced from various combinations of POME substrates. Composting was carried out with six treatments. Each treatment consisted of a composition of materials such as EPOB, mushroom seeds [Volvariella volvaceae (Bulliard ex Fries) Singer], and POME with different concentrations. The method used in composting is the Berkeley method. The mixed material is put in a trash bag and stirred periodically for two weeks in the composting process. The four treatments carried out the experimental design to determine biogas (CH4) level. Each treatment consisted of POME, activated sludge, and compost with different concentrations. The process begins with mixing the material into the digester, then every 10th, 20th, and 30th day the gas is taken to measure the CH4 content. CH4 levels were obtained by taking gas with a syringe needle on the cover of the digester, then transferred to a flacon bottle. The flacon bottle containing the gas was measured by the Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) method. The GCMS gas detector is equipped with an FID to detect gas levels and gas type. The results will be displayed in the form of GCMS output and can be seen from the residence time range to determine the type of gas and concentration. The study resulted in the best compost in treatment five, which looks good from a physical point of view, with a 48% water content and 18.25% C/N ratio. The biogas content (CH4), which produces the highest gas, is 36.206% in treatment 2 (T2) with a composition of 70% POME, 20% activated sludge, and 10% compost.


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