Karakterisasi Carica pubescens di Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Jawa Tengah berdasarkan sifat morfologi, kapasitas antioksidan, dan pola pita protein
Laily AN, Suranto, Sugiyarto. 2012. Characteristics of Carica pubescens of Dieng Plateau, Central Java according to its morphology, antioxidant, and protein pattern. Bioteknologi 9: 7-13. Carica pubescens Lenne & K. Koch is a species of fruit plants which was firstly cultivated in South America and had adapted to plateau areas, such as Dieng Plateau, Central Java (∼2000 m asl). They have narrow spreading habitat and limited or unknown interspecies variation. Therefore, it is necessary to provide enough information about its characteristics so that its spreading area can be widened through transplantation to other areas. The characterization can be done according to its morphological characteristics, chemical content, and protein banding pattern. The aims of this research were to describe the morphological characteristics, chemical content (antioxidant capacity), and protein pattern using commasie brilliant blue staining of C. pubescens on various height at Dieng plateau. The morphological study was conducted at the villages of Kejajar (1400 m asl), Patak Banteng (1900 m asl), and Sembungan (2400 m asl). The morphological characteristics, chemical content (antioxidant capacity), and protein pattern of C. pubescens were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method. The results indicated that the morphological characters of C. pubescens on various heights at Dieng plateau varied on its stalk, leaf, and fruit. The antioxidant capacity of C. pubescens on various heights at Dieng plateau was also varied. The antioxidant capacity of C. pubescens subsequently decreased from 2400 m dpl > 1900 m asl > 1400 m asl. Protein banding pattern of C. pubescens did not vary between altitudes, but different from C. papaya. The uniformly of protein band pattern confirm the genetic stability of C. pubescens was not influenced by the environmental changing.