Fermentasi lumpur digestat kotoran ayam petelur dengan kapang Aspergillus niger untuk sumber protein pada ransum ayam




Pamungkas GS, Sutarno, Mahajoeno E. 2012. Sludge digestat laying hens fermented with Aspergillus niger as source of protein in chicken ration. Bioteknologi 9: 26-34. Digestat sludge from layer chicken manure potentialy to be used as livestock feed as well as fertilizer and biogas. This study aimed to determine the effect of feeding fermented sludge digestat in the form of dirt laying hens using Aspergillus niger as a fermentor in broiler rations. This study using Completey Randomized Design with four replications wich each repeat contains four chicken. This study used four levels treatment of sludge digestat fermentation, namelycontrol or without fermented digestat slude, giving 2%, 4% and 6% of fermented digestat sludge. The results indicated that fermentation by A. niger increased crude protein content of sludge digestats as much as 55.6% i.e. from 9.84% to 15.31%; while the provision of sludge digestats fermented by A. niger through 6% had no effect on feed intake, conversion feeding, body weight gain, feed cost per gain, slaughter weight, carcass percentage which include chest, back, wings and thighs, as well as non-carcass percentage which include heart, gizzard, and liver. This study can be concluded that the sludge digestat fermented by A. niger can be used to substitute 6% of broiler chickens ration.
