Pengaruh suplementasi Bacillus sp. melalui perifiton terhadap jumlah total mikroba intestinal dan gambaran darah ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy)
Khalwan, Irianto A, Rachmawati FN. 2012. Effect of Bacillus sp. supplementation through periphyton to total blood profile and intestinal microbial of common carp (Osphronemus gouramy). Bioteknologi 9: 35-40. Fish is a nutritious food which has high demand in Indonesia. Therefore, increasing fish production is needed. Fish farming faces constraints due to high feed price and diseases. Feed requirements could reach 60-70% of the fish production cost. However, fish infectious diseases have significant effect on profit gain for fish farmers. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to find an alternative of natural food which does not harm to the environment and improve the immunity of fish by utilizing biofilms that supplemented with beneficial bacteria. Supplementation of beneficial bacteria is expected to enrich the composition of periphyton and function as decomposer and help the digestibility of feed through enzymatic activity and stimulate the immune response e.g. through increasing the number and activity of kidney macrophages and increasing white blood cells. Probiotic bacteria used in this study was Bacillus sp. Experimental design used in this study to determine the effect of supplementation of Bacillus sp. and length of time of periphyton biofilm administration to intestine microorganism and blood profile of giant gouramy. This research used Split Plot Design (SPD). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the total number of intestinal microbial populations and the total number of leukocytes among fish fed with periphyton supplemented and not supplemented with Bacillus sp. had no significant differences, while the length of periphyton biofilm supplementation had significant effect. Feeding with periphyton biofilm supplemented with Bacillus sp. for 21 days had the best response to giant gouramy immune based on the blood profile.