Pengaruh penambahan molase pada produksi enzim xilanase oleh fungi Aspergillus niger dengan substrat jerami padi
Pangesti NWI, Pangastuti A, Retnaningtyas NE. 2012. Effect of additional molasses to xylanase enzyme production by fungi Aspergillus niger with rice straw substrate. Bioteknologi 9: 41-48. To find alternative materials that cheap and easily available for xylanase production then conducted research on xylanase enzyme production from rice straw and molasses. Rice straw could be used as a xylan substituting substrate which was expensive, while molasses as sources of carbon, nitrogen, minerals and nutrients were needed for microbial growth and enzyme production. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of addition molasses on the production of xylanase enzymes by fungi Aspergillus niger with rice straw substrate. The research was divided into three phases, namely preparation, enzyme production and experimental phase. Preparation phase included breeding strains, inoculums preparation, and preparation of fermentation medium. At the enzyme production phase, A. niger was grown in a liquid medium with rice straw substrate which made of powder. At this fermentation medium, molasses was added in variant 0%, 1%, 3%, and 5%. Fermentation process was done in a shaker incubator at 37° C, 200 rpm agitation and pH 6. At the experimental phase, reduction of sugar content using DNS method to obtain an enzyme activity that had been produced. The addition of molasses on the rice straw media could increase the growth of fungi A. niger but could not significantly increase the activity of xylanase enzyme and gave the longer effect on incubation time. The most optimal concentration of molasses for the production of xylanase enzyme was 1%, the highest enzyme activity amount 0.055 U/mL, with incubation time-56 hours.