Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula: Potensi teknologi mikorizoremediasi logam berat dalam rehabilitasi lahan tambang




Suharno, Sancayaningsih RP. 2013. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi: The potential use of heavy metal mycorrhizo-remediation technology in mined field rehabilitation. Bioteknologi 10: 31-42. The study of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) on several ecosystem varieties has been done worldwide throughout. The role of mycorrhizae in promoting growth and surviving of plants in some critical habitats has also been recognized. In the last decade the ability of mycorrhizae has been used as a heavy metal remediation in the mined field. In fact, mycorrhizae were able to support the growth and survival of plants on the marginal lands. Various species of AMF are able to build symbioses relationship with plants in order to stabilize and bind heavy metals in polluted lands. Previously, Brassicaceae and Carryophylaceae plants known as heavy metal hyper-accumulator, also Leguminosae plants with nitrogen fixing bacteria in it have been used in waste mined land revegetation and reclamation. Nowadays, beside increasing those plants ability, mycorrhizal fungi become an alternative source to enhance and develop other plant varieties to be plant revegetation in mined field.
