Functional properties of bambara groundnut flour fermented with lactic acid bacteria consortium




Abstract. Ogodo AC, Agwaranze DI, Opara JI, Iheanacho CC. 2023. Functional properties of bambara groundnut flour fermented with lactic acid bacteria consortium. Asian J Trop Biotechnol 20: 79-84. The objective of this study was to evaluate the functional properties of bambara groundnut flour fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) consortium isolated from fermenting maize and sorghum. Sorghum was processed into flour and fermented with LAB-consortium previously isolated from maize (Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 + Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, ATCC 53/03 + Lactobacillus fermentum CIP 102980 + Lactobacillus nantensis LP33 + Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 20016) and sorghum (Pediococcus acidilactici DSM 20284 + Lactobacillus nantensis LP33 + Lactobacillus fermentum CIP 102980 + Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 14869 + Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1), respectively and then naturally to evaluate their effects on the functional properties of the bambara groundnut flour at 12 h intervals. Results showed that there was a gradual decrease in Bulk Density (BD), Swelling Capacity (SC), and Water Holding Capacity (WHC) with increasing fermentation period. Oil Holding Capacity (OHC) increased significantly (p <0.05) with increase in the fermentation periods from 8.40±0.00 mL/g to 8.90±0.02 mL/g (spontaneous fermentation), 8.40±0.00 mL/g to 9.20±0.03 mL/g (LAB-consortium from maize fermentation) and from 8.40±0.00 mL/g to 9.70±0.03 mL/g (LAB-consortium from sorghum fermentation). The lowest gelation concentration ranged from 3.0% in the unfermented sample to 7.0% in the various fermentation products. The variations differ significantly (p <0.05) between the unfermented, spontaneously fermented, and LAB consortium fermented samples. Emulsion Capacity (EC) increased with increasing fermentation period from 72.36±2.01% to 87.54±0.36%, from 72.36±2.01% to 87.22±1.44% and from 72.36±2.01 % to 88.56±0.14% in natural, LAB-consortium from maize and LAB-consortium from sorghum fermentation respectively. This result indicates that lactic acid bacteria consortia can potentially improve the functional properties of bambara groundnut flour.


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