Bakteri heterotrof aerobik asal saluran pencernaan ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) dan potensinya sebagai probiotik




Lestari NW, Budiharjo A, Pangastuti A. 2016. Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria from the digestive tract of eel (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) and its potential as probiotics. Bioteknologi 13: 9-17. Anguilla bicolor bicolor, an eel species found in the waters of Indonesia, is become a potential export commodity for the country. Currently this species began to be cultured, by taking the larvas from the wild and reared in ponds. In aquaculture, the disease caused by bacteria are the main problems that limit production in the culture of eel. Restrictions on the use of anti-microbial substances causing a more environmentally friendly approach is needed to reduce disease outbreak in aquaculture. It is known that bacterial communities associated with animals have an important role for the survival of its modulation of host’s microbiota through feed supplements such as probiotics and prebiotics can increase the growth and survival of fish. This research aimed to determine the type of bacteria that can be isolated and characterized from the gastrointestinal tract of A. bicolor bicolor and their potential as a probiotic candidates. Bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract of the fish were isolated and characterized. Observations made include the amount of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, the morphological characters of each isolate, and the identification of each isolate. The ability of hydrolysis (hemolytic and proteolytic activity) and antagonistic against pathogens in fish (Aeromonas hydrophila) were also measured. From the gastrointestinal tract of A. bicolor bicolor, 11 isolates were obtained, which were fell into 9 species according to their characters. Two candidates of bacteria which were expected to be used as probiotics for eel were Citrobacter freundii and Bacillus subtilis.
