Ekstraksi dan penentuan konsentrasi senyawa ?-1,3;1,6-D-glukan dari jamur shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
Fajri, Djajanegara I, Hermanto S. 2013. Extraction and determination of concentration of ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan compound from shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes). Bioteknologi 10: 60-66. People do not just want food that has a good nutrient composition, and also the interesting appearance and flavor, but also has physiological functions such as lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or as an anticancer. This phenomenon gives the birth of the concept of functional foods. One of the foodstuffs that have potential as functional food is shiitake mushroom. Shiitake mushroom has a physiological function as an anticancer. Its anticancer activity is due to ?-1,3;1,6-Dglucan compound. Lentinan compound is a polysaccharide with ?-1,3 and 1,6-D-glucan bonds. To get ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan of shiitake mushroom, it was needed to do the extraction process to isolate the ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan compound. The extraction method of Yap & Ng was chosen because the extraction process was quick, cheap and safe to be used for solvent (distilled water) of food. To identify ?-1,3;1,6-Dglucan compound in shiitake’s extract, then to be conducted the FTIR analysis. Further, the concentration of ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan compound was measured by the Megazyme method. In this research, it was developed an alternative method that more efficient cost and effective time, i.e. by using the Congo red dye, to substitute the Megazyme method. From the result of Yap & Ng extraction method, it was obtained the dry shiitake’s extract at 4.4987 g (0.4999%). The FTIR analysis result showed the existence of ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan compound in the extract glucan, which identified particularly at the wave number of 890 nm, i.e., the ?-1,3 bond wich specific for the ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan compound. From the result of Megazyme method analysis, it was obtained the average of (triplo) ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan compound at 30.8882%, while for analysis Congo red method showed no specific result for the concentration of ?-1,3;1,6-D-glucan compound.