Enzyme activities of endo-?-mannanase on seed germination of Parkia roxburghii with grant of concentration variation gibberellin
Subandi AE, Sari SLA, Anggarwulan E, Solichatun. 2015. Enzyme activities of endo-?-mannanase on seed germination of Parkia roxburghii with grant of concentration variation giberellin. Bioteknologi 12: 8-15. Kedawung (Parkia roxburghii G. Don) is member of leguminous plants used as medicinal plants. Parkia roxburghii seeds have rigid seed coats and this can inhibit germination process. Seed germination barriers can be broken by adding external hormones such as gibberellin and auxin. Gibberellin hormone has been known to has capabilities to accelerate seed germination. The purpose of this study was to (i) determine the effect of various concentrations of the gibberellin hormone on seed germination of P. roxburghii and (ii) investigate the activity of endo-I3- mannanase enzyme in breaking the endosperm on seed germination P. roxburghii. The experiment was conducted by randomized design (CRD) with 4 different gibberellin concentrations namely 0, 100, 300 and 500 ppm respectively. Seeds were incubated in waterbath at 55.0 for 1 hour as a pretreatment. Seeds then soaked in a solution of gibberellin hormone for 24 hours. After rinsed with distilled water, seeds subsequently germinated in petri dishes for 30 days. Germination was performed at room temperature (28.C). Germination parameters observed were seed imbibition, germination rate, germination percentage, and activity of endo-P-mannanase enzyme. Measurement of endo-p-mannanase activity was using spectrophotometer. The results showed that the highest germination percentage of P.roxburghii seed at 300 ppm was 470/u. During germination process, the activity endo-p-mannanase enzyme has been changing, in which the closer to the germination time, enzyme activity increased. The highest peak of activity endo-p-mannanase enzyme at 300 ppm was 20.34 units/2.4 ml on the third day of germination.
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