Documentation of the traditional Gayo food in Lokop Village, East Aceh, Indonesia
Abstract. Ramaidani, Navia ZI. 2022. Documentation of the traditional Gayo food in Lokop Village, East Aceh, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 2017-2024. The Gayo Tribe community in Lokop Village, Serbajadi Sub-district, East Aceh, Indonesia, has known the traditional use of plants to meet food needs for a long time. However, this knowledge has not been widely documented. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study to document the typical food of the Gayo Tribe in Lokop Village, Serbajadi Sub-district, East Aceh, Indonesia. This study was conducted using the Snowball sampling method and semi-structured interviews involving 37 respondents. A total of 14 types of traditional Gayo food were documented, namely Cecah bajik, Cecah kekulit, Cecah ries, Jurung pengat, Masam jing, Apam, Berteh, Brahrum, Gutal, Lepat, Pulut berkerabu, Pulut manis, Pulut semplah, and Tumpi. In contrast, 52 plant species belonging to 46 genera and 31 families were used in traditional Gayo food. The most widely used family was Zingiberaceae with 5 species, the most widely used growth form was herb at 39%, and the most widely used plant parts were leaves and fruit, with 21% each. The frequency of using plants as the food was 100% for the species of Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw. and Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott. The Gayo Tribe uses plants in their traditional food to contribute to economic value, health maintenance, and conservation efforts.
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