Leaf architectural analysis of taxonomically ambiguous Hoya lacunosa Blume and Hoya krohniana Kloppenb. & Siar




Abstract. Scott HC, Buot JR IE. 2022. Leaf architectural analysis of taxonomically ambiguous Hoya lacunosa Blume and Hoya krohniana Kloppenb. & Siar. Biodiversitas 23: 2055-2065. The horticulturally important Hoya R.Br. species Hoya lacunosa Blume and Hoya krohniana Kloppenb. & Siar are often mistaken for each other because of their generally similar inflorescence morphology. Based on the hypothesis that leaf venation patterns are genetically fixed, leaf architectural analysis was done to determine the difference between these two taxonomically confusing species. Thirty fully expanded leaves were obtained per species from mature plants of H. lacunosa, H. krohniana and an outgroup, H. pubicorolla. Laminar and venation characters were analyzed using standard leaf architecture protocols. Results show that the main distinction lies in their laminar characters, particularly the base angle and base shape. H. lacunosa samples showed acute to obtuse base angles with cuneate and convex leaf bases, while H. krohniana were found to have obtuse reflex base angles with convex, cordate and rounded leaf bases. Analysis of venation characters shows no considerable difference between the patterns seen in H. lacunosa and the patterns observed in H. krohniana. Further investigation of higher vein orders is recommended. Initial comparison of H. lacunosa pollinaria with the photos of H. krohniana pollinaria from its type description show strikingly similar morphology; for this reason, we also recommend floral morphology comparisons, particularly pollinaria morphology to further establish the similarity and delineation of H. lacunosa and H. krohniana.


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