Sustainability status of small-scale fisheries resources in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia after reclamation
Abstract. Patawari AMY, Anna Z, Hindayani P, Dhahiyat Y, Hasan Z, Putri IAP. 2022. Sustainability status of small-scale fisheries resources in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia after reclamation. Biodiversitas 23: 1715-1725. Reclamation in Jakarta Bay was initially implemented by constructing a giant 60 km long embankment in the area and 17 small islands in front of the coast of North Jakarta, but then it was stopped in 2018. After reclamation closures have affected fishery resources, especially small-scale ones that rely on catchment areas around the coastal waters of Jakarta Bay. To ensure the resource utilization level that meets the needs of the present and future generations, managing sustainably small-scale fish resources is crucial. This study aimed to analyze the sustainability status of small-scale fisheries in Jakarta Bay after reclamation. The results showed that efforts to manage small-scale fishery resources in the waters of Jakarta Bay-from the dimensions of fisheries, ecological, social, legal and institutional- are in unsustainable conditions. To improve the status, policy makers should consider 16 prioritized attributes on ecology, resource potential, economic, social, legal and institutional.
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