Molecular and morpho-physiological identification of yellow leaf curl disease of cucumber in Salatiga, Indonesia




Abstract. Kurnia TD, Purwantoro A, Sulandari S, Basunanda P, Setiawan AB, Fatmawati Y, Andika IP. 2022. Molecular and morpho-physiological identification of yellow leaf curl disease of cucumber in Salatiga, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 1466-1474. Plant viruses are a limiting factor in Indonesian cucumber production. However, because numerous viruses generate identical symptoms on infected plants across cucumber cultivars, identify the virus discovered in the field. The management of virus diseases on plants is dependent on accurately identifying symptoms associated with certain viruses among cucumber cultivars and evaluating possible insect vectors. Because there have been several reports of infected viruses on cucumbers, generating resistant cultivars, identifying phenotypic and physiological disorders, and probable insect vectors are all important aspects of plant disease management. This study aimed to determine the virus and putative insect vectors of yellow leaf curl disease and its symptoms, including morphology and physiology disorders in cucumber cultivars. Common symptoms found included curling, yellow spots, malformed shapes, mortality from severely infested leaves, yellowing, and malformed cucumbers, with occurrences varying among cucumber cultivars. Curling and yellow spots were found on >70% samples of all tested cultivars. Virus infection affected agronomic features and fruit characteristics differently depending on cucumber cultivars. Molecular detection confirmed that polerovirus infected plants and insects tested also carried the Polerovirus. This study provides initial information on monitoring various infection stages of yellow curling disease and potential insect vectors of this disease that will later be useful to synthesize effective management practice in the future.


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