The diversity of Carangidae (Carangiformes) was revealed by DNA barcoding collected from the traditional fish markets in Java and Bali, Indonesia
Abstract. Andriyono S, Alam MJ, Sumartiwi L, Mubarak AS, Pramono H, Suciyono, Kartika GRA, Sari AHW, Sektiana SP. 2022. The diversity of Carangidae (Carangiformes) was revealed by DNA barcoding collected from the traditional fish markets in Java and Bali, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 2799-2806. Biodiversity has been utilized in various ways, including in fulfilling the protein needs of fish for coastal communities. For the island of Java, with the largest population in Indonesia, the intensive fisheries in the Java Sea are sufficient to support domestic food needs. This Carangid fish diversity study in Java is the beginning to identify commercial fish in Indonesia, which have been exploited for a long time. In this study, identification was carried out molecularly in the Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene region with the universal primary set and found a great variety of Carangids fish species. Thirty-three fish specimens have been identified, indicating two suborder groups, Caranginae (31) and Scomberoidenae (2). The Caranginae suborder group is more dominated with the most types of which are Megalaspis cordyla (3), Atule mate (3), and Decapterus macarellus (4). Meanwhile, the Scomberoidinae suborder is Scomberoides commersonnianus and Scomberoides tala. This study also found two species that have the potential to be ciguatera poisoning agents that need to be watched out for (Decapterus macarellus and Selar crumenophthalmus). Food safety in the fisheries sector has received considerable attention for a long time. Fishery commodities in highly polluted habitats are among the chains in increasing heavy metals concentration and the other residual chemical compounds that may impact human health.
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