Assessing the potential of tembawang, a traditional forest management in Sanggau, West Kalimantan, Indonesia for ecotourism




Abstract. Roslinda E, Siswoyo A, Nantah N. 2022. Assessing the potential of tembawang, a traditional forest management in Sanggau, West Kalimantan, Indonesia for ecotourism. Biodiversitas 23: 2184-2192. Tembawang is a traditional land management system practiced by the Dayak community in Kalimantan, Indonesia. It resembles a miniature tropical forest that can be developed as an ecotourism alternative.  This study aimed to assess the potential of Tembawang Kampung Lama in Sanggau District, West Kalimantan, as a natural tourist attraction. The research used a survey method and data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents, in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions, direct observation, and document analysis. Assessment and analysis of data followed guidelines from the government. The results showed that Tembawang Kampung Lama has a moderate potential to be developed as an ecotourism destination. The elements of tourist attractions, supporting infrastructure and availability of clean water were in a good category, while the accessibility was in the moderate category, and the socio-economic conditions and accommodation were in the bad category. The development of tembawang as a tourist attraction must be supported by improving accessibility and accommodation facilities. In addition, tour packages can be developed by integrating landscape tours consisting of rice fields, tembawang, secondary forests in the hills and cascades around the tembawang to attract more tourists to visit.


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