Short Communication: New distributional records of Sonneratia spp. from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Ragavan P, Ravichandran K, Mohan PM, Sxaena A, Prasanth R S, Jayaraj RSC, Saravanan S. 2014. New distributional records of Sonneratia spp. from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Biodiversitas 15: 251-260. Sonneratia lanceolata, Sonneratia x urama and
Sonneratia x gulngai was collected from Great Nicobar Island, which representing a new addition to the mangrove flora of India. S.
lanceolata is distinguished from S. caseolaris by its drooping branches, lanceolate leaves and ovoidal bud without medial constriction.
S. x urama and S. x gulngai are putative hybrids. S. x urama is putative hybrid between S. alba and S. lanceolata, whereas S. x gulngai is putative hybrid between S. alba and S. caseolaris. A detailed description along with colour plate and relevant notes is provided for further collection and identification of these species in the field.