Tolerance response of varied tomato genotypes grown at excess manganese (Mn)




Abstract. Zahara S, Carsono N, Sudirja R, Soleh MA. 2022. Tolerance response of varied tomato genotypes grown at excess manganese (Mn). Biodiversitas 23: 3209-3218. High Mn concentration in acidic soil has been known as a limiting factor of sustainable tomato production. In addition, the number of tomato cultivars available to be grown under such conditions is still limited. Therefore, this study tested the Mn tolerance response among four tomato genotypes, Opal, Mutiara, Ratna, and Mirah, grown hydroponically. Nutrient solutions were added to Mn for concentrations of 0, 50, 100, and 200 ppm. The increase of Mn concentration ([Mn]) significantly decreased chlorophyll fluorescence and stomatal conductance. Shoot Tolerance Index (STI) and Root Tolerance Index (RTI) among genotypes were significant differences in response to Mn concentration. Genotype Mirah was the lowest Mn accumulation in the shoot and root compared to other genotypes. Most of the Mn absorbed by Mirah was accumulated in the roots. The tolerance ranks of the tomato genotype tested for Mn toxicity were Mirah > Opal > Ratna > Mutiara. This indicates that genetic composition plays an essential role in Mn tolerance. The tolerance response of Mirah was due to its ability to prevent Mn from being absorbed by the shoot, which led to the effect of shoot toxicity. This response might help improve tomato genotypes tolerance under high Mn soil.


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