Selection of tomato breeding lines based on morphological traits associated with high yield potential in double-cross population
Abstract. Anisa WN, Afifah EN, Murti RH. 2022. Selection of tomato breeding lines based on morphological traits associated with high yield potential in double-cross population. Biodiversitas 23: 2973-2980. Low tomato production is a global problem. Plant breeding has been intensified to develop high-yield varieties and meet the high production of vegetable crops. Selection is an essential part of plant breeding to evaluate desirable traits of breeding lines. This study aimed to identify tomato breeding lines with high yield potential from 13 breeding lines and 2 commercial tomatoes. Collected data were analyzed using analysis of variance, post hoc, path, and principal component analysis. Results showed that 9 tomato lines, namely, BV-1, BV-2, BV-3, BV-6, BV-7, BV-9, BV-11, BV-12, and BV-13 had a high yield potential based on the number of fruits per plant and fruit weight. Given their high path coefficient value and significant correlation (P<0.05) with the yield potential, these two characteristics are highly recommended to be used as selection criteria for the high yield potential of tomato plants. The following characteristics had a high value of heritability: fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit firmness, fruit locules, fruit pericarp thickness, total soluble solid, number of flowers per bunch, number of fruits per bunch, number of fruits per plant, and harvesting age.
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