High impact of Clerodendrum paniculatum leaf extract to suppress zucchini yellow mosaic virus infection in zucchini plants




Abstract. Pandawani NP, Listihani L, Widnyana IK, Ariati PEP, Selangga DGW. 2022. High impact of Clerodendrum paniculatum leaf extract to suppress zucchini yellow mosaic virus infection in zucchini plants. Biodiversitas 23: 2914-2919. Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) is an important virus in zucchini plants (Cucurbita pepo L.). ZYMV infection is prevalent in C. pepo in Bali and is extremely difficult to eradicate. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of pagoda leaf extract (Clerodendrum paniculatum L.) in reducing yield loss in C. pepo. A factorial randomized block design with two variables was employed in this study. The application time of the C. paniculatum extract was the first variable, and concentration was the second. Plant extract was applied during seed immersion, one day before and after inoculation, and on the same day of virus inoculation. The concentrations of C. paniculatum extract employed were 10%, 30%, and 50%. The crude extract was sprayed onto the C. pepo leaves. Plants treated with extract one day after virus inoculation at 10%, 30%, and 50% concentrations exhibited yellowing, yellowing with cupping, mosaic, mosaic with cupping, and stunting. While application of extract one day before virus inoculation at 30% and 50% concentrations resulted in yellowing and yellowing with cupping signs. Plants infected with ZYMV first showed flowering at 37 DAP, whereas plants treated with C. paniculatum leaf extract one day before virus inoculation started flowering at 32 DAP. Application of C. paniculatum leaf extract one day before ZYMV inoculation on C. pepo effectively suppressed 40% yield loss. The findings of present investigation revealed information about the potential of C. paniculatum leaf extract as a plant virus control agent through the mechanism of induction in C. pepo.


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