Estimation of population parameters and fishery status of spotted scat, Scatophagus argus (Scatophagidae) in Pabean Bay, Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Manangkalangi E, Pertami ND, Asriansyah A, Aditriawan RM, Sala R, Rahardjo MF. 2022. Estimation of population parameters and fishery status of spotted scat, Scatophagus argus (Scatophagidae) in Pabean Bay, Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 3480-3487. Pabean Bay is a fishing ground for various types of estuarine fish, including spotted scat, Scatophagus argus. This study aims to describe this type of fish population and its level of exploitation by using length-frequency distribution data for one year (January to December 2015). Fish samples were obtained from the catch of fishers using sero fishing gear and gill nets. Analysis of first caught size, growth parameters, mortality, recruitment pattern, and fishery status used FiSAT II program and some empirical formulas. The results of this study indicate that the length of the first time caught (Lc) is 100.195 mm and is smaller than the size of the first maturity (Lm). The asymptotic length (L?) and growth coefficient (K) were 191.65 mm and 0.18 year-1. Recruitment took place throughout the year with a peak in two periods (February-March and August-September). Total mortality, natural mortality, and catch mortality were 0.84 year-1, 0.37 year-1, and 0.47 year-1.The exploitation rate (E) of this fish was 0.56 year-1. The condition of this fish resource showed slow growth and was indicated to experience overfishing conditions. This information is expected to be considered, especially the use of sero and gillnet fishing gears with small mesh sizes and the frequency of catching it so that the fishing activities will not negatively impact the sustainability of this fish resource in the area.


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