Evaluation of several plant species for the sustainability of green open spaces in three sectors




Abstract. Salsabila SH, Kurniadie D, Withaningsih S. 2022. Evaluation of several plant species for the sustainability of green open spaces in three sectors. Biodiversitas 23: 3861-3868. The climate change caused by air pollution could be overcome by creating green open spaces. Plants can absorb air pollution, provide shade, and be used as aesthetics and location boundary. Furthermore, plants' resistance to air pollution varies according to physiology and morphology. The objectives of this study were to assess the species diversity of vegetation and the tolerance index to air pollution of some plant species using the APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) method in household, industry, and transportation areas in Eat Java. The observed plant species in the three sectors were the same. The result showed that the Shannon-Wiener diversity index value (H') was considered medium, and based on the APTI test, Pseuderanthemum reticulatum had the highest tolerance level with an APTI value of 27.59in the industrial sector (I0), 38.31 in the household sector (P1) and 31.73 in the transportation sector (T0). Meanwhile, Syzygium myrtifolium had the lowest tolerance level to air pollution with an APTI value of 12.64 in the industrial sector (I1), 11.59 in the household sector (P1) and 12.70 in the transportation sector (T0). This research provides information regarding the environmental conditions of the ecosystem in green open spaces in the industrial, household and transportation sectors and gives recommendations on the sustainable management of green open spaces in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 13 based on the tolerance level of plants.


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