Synopsis of Sumatran Nepenthes (Indonesia)




Abstract. Hernawati, Zuhud EA, Prasetyo LB, Soekmadi R. 2022. Synopsis of Sumatran Nepenthes (Indonesia). Biodiversitas 23: 4243-4255. Taxonomic status is a fundamental component in determining the conservation status of a species. Inappropriate taxonomic entities can mislead efforts to protect species, especially endangered ones. Determining the taxonomic status of Sumatran Nepenthes is an essential step in conserving these unique species. This study aims to assess the taxonomic status and update the compilation of scientific names and taxon positions related to the Sumatran Nepenthes. The morphological characters were collected through observation of herbarium specimens and field research in several locations in Sumatra. The grouping of species is built based on the similarity of morphological characters for each selected species and follows a taxonomic revision process. The results showed that Sumatra had 39 species of Nepenthes, which were previously known to occur in only 29 species. The increase in the number of Sumatran Nepenthes came from (i) The publication of 9 new Nepenthes species from Sumatra. (ii) Restores N. pectinata and N. xiphiodes as independent species from their original position as synonyms for N. gymnamphora. (iii) Positioning N. gymnamphora as one of the Nepenthes species on the island of Java. (iv) Positioning N. angasanensis, N. longifolia, N. talangensis, and N. tenuis as independent species and not synonyms of N. mikei, N. beccariana, N. bongso, and N. dubia


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