The impact of ENSO-IOD on Decapterus spp. in Pangkajene Kepulauan and Barru Waters, Makassar Strait, Indonesia




Abstract. Baharuddin NAI, Zainuddin M, Najamuddin. 2022. The impact of ENSO-IOD on Decapterus spp. in Pangkajene Kepulauan and Barru Waters, Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 5613-5622. ENSO and IOD are climate variability that affects water conditions seasonally and inter-annually, including Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Research on the effect of ENSO and IOD variations on water fertility in Makassar Strait requires updating every year. This study aimed to analyze the impact of ENSO and IOD on the variability of oceanography (SST and SSC) and dynamics of the Scad (Decapterus spp.) production in Makassar Strait. This study used Niño3.4 Index and Dipole Mode Index data from NOAA, while SST and SSC data were obtained from the Aqua-MODIS satellite imagery from January 2015 to December 2019. For the study, data were processed using SeaDAS, ArcGIS, and RStudio software. The results indicated that the Niño3.4 Index for SST and SSC was strong, and the Dipole Mode Index for SST and SSC was low. The time-series graph showed that the El Niño event was strong, and the IOD+ was quite strong in 2015-2016, affecting the negative SST anomaly and the positive SSC anomaly. Cross-correlation analysis of the effect of the Niño3.4 Index with the SST anomaly of -0.62 and the low SSC anomaly of 0.18. The result of IOD on the SST anomaly was quite strong at -0.51, and the SSC anomaly was low at 0.07. Strong El Niño and IOD+ events were found to highly affect SST and SSC as well as influence the variation or fluctuation of Scad catch production, especially from 2015 to 2016 in the study area of Makassar Strait, Indonesia.


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