Carbon stock at several types of mangrove ecosystems in Bregasmalang, Central Java, Indonesia
Abstract. Sugiatmo, Poedjirahajoe E, Pudyatmoko S, Purwanto RH. 2023. Carbon stock at several types of mangrove ecosystems in Bregasmalang, Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 182-191. Mangrove ecosystems have an important role but are also faced with the conversion of use and impacts from climate change. Therefore, this research aims to determine the carbon stock above-ground, below-ground, and the soil at several types of mangrove ecosystems in Bregasmalang, Central Java. A total of 8 transect lines, each having a length of 125 m and consisting of six plots, were placed in four types of mangrove ecosystems to obtain data on the diameter of the vegetation and soil at five different depths. Allometric equations were used to analyze diameter data, while the soil compositions were analyzed in the laboratory. The results showed that the total carbon stock in Bregasmalang was 713.13 Mg ha-1 with the details as follows; above-ground 30.27 Mg ha-1 (4%), below-ground 10.99 Mg ha-1 (2%), and soil carbon 671.87 Mg ha-1 (94%). Meanwhile, the total carbon stock in conservation mangrove forests was 763.75 Mg ha-1, rehabilitation mangrove 719.25 Mg ha-1, silvofishery 680.71 Mg ha-1, and ponds 688.81 Mg ha-1. Based on the results, the high soil and total carbon stock in conservation mangroves showed the importance of protecting the ecosystems to mitigate climate change.
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