Development of allometric relationships for estimate above ground biomass of trees in the tropical abandoned land
Abstract. Karyati, Widiati KY, Karmini, Mulyadi R. 2019. Development of allometric relationships for estimate above ground biomass of trees in the tropical abandoned lands. Biodiversitas 20: 3508-3516. The abandoned lands have important role in the ecological function as well as carbon sequestration. The allometric equations to estimate above ground biomass in abandoned land are still limited available. This study objective was to develop allometric relationships between tree size variables (diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height) and leaf, branch, trunk, and total above ground biomass (TAGB) in abandoned land in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The correlation coefficients between stem DBH and tree height to leaf and branch indicating a relatively weak relationship. The moderately strong relationships were showed by DBH and tree height to trunk and TAGB. The specific allometric equation of above ground biomass for different land use and land type is needed to estimate the accurate TAGB in the site.
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