Heritability and genetic advancement on agronomic characters of Toraja red rice x Inpari-4 white rice genotypes




Abstract. Limbongan YL, Driyunitha, Sjahril R, Riadi M, Jamaluddin I, Okasa AM, Panga NJ. 2021. Heritability and genetic advancement on agronomic characters of Toraja red rice x Inpari-4 white rice genotypes. Biodiversitas 22: 3446-3451. Determination of genetic diversity, heritability, and genetic advance on specific agronomic characters of cross-breed red rice genotypes (Toraja red rice Pare Lea’ x Inpari-4) was done in Tallunglipu, North Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The experiment was designed using a randomized complete block design. Twenty-one days old seedlings were transplanted following the system of rice intensification practices. Selection was conducted at F2 as a novel method to speed up genetic advancement and ensure progeny production with desired agronomic traits. Results indicated existence of a considerably high level of diversity among genotypes tested, where the highest value for genetic advance was observed in filled-grain weight per hill of F2 plants (983.890), followed by plant height (335.124), and filled-grain weight per hill of F1 (306.645). The highest estimate of broad-sense heritability was recorded in 1000-grain weight (0.915), number of productive tillers (0.788), plant height (0.765), flag leaf length (0.705), filled-grain weight per hill (0.688), and harvest age (0.594). Genetic advance of agronomic characters between genotypes varied from 1.631-38%, where the highest estimate was recorded in filled-grain weight per hill (38%) and plant height (24.648%). The above-mentioned characters could be used for selection in further rice breeding programs to obtain plants with superior genotypes.


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