Plant diversity and population in Mount Kelud, East Java




Mount Kelud is an upper shed Brantas area which has high potential plant diversity. But the land in that upper shed had
experienced much erosion. Beside erosion process, human disturbances in the resort added the burdens to the existence
of the vegetation. That is why the existence and condition of the plants must be monitored and studied. Assessment of the
plants was conducted through literature studies, field surveys and using quadrate plot methods Oosting (Kent & Paddy,
1992) 0.75 ha each at different altitudes (600 m, 800 m and 1000 m) above sea level. The results showed that a total
number of 125 species belonging to 94 genera, and 49 families were recorded. All three plots were dominated by
Dendrocalamus asper and Villebrunea rubescens.
© 2004 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS Surakarta

Keywords: plants, diversity, population, Mount Kelud, East Java.
