Short Communication: Morphology and genetic characteristics of potential citrus rootstock in Indonesia
Abstract. Yulianti F, Adiredjo AL, Soetopo L, Ashari S. 2020. Short Communication: Morphology and genetic characteristics of potential citrus rootstock in Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 5514-5520. Study on variability among the citrus rootstock genotypes is very important to classify and utilize citrus germplasm resources. The genetic variability would greatly assist the breeders in genotypes identification to develop database and maintain the germplasm repositories in Indonesia. It would also be helpful for stakeholders to choose the right rootstock. The aim of the study was to identify the morphology and genetic variability among three potential citrus rootstocks in Indonesia. Morphological and molecular techniques were used to characterize three citrus rootstocks potential in Indonesia. Characteristics of plant, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, and genomic DNA polymorphisms were used to characterize three potential citrus rootstocks (Japansche citroen (JC), Citrumelo and Kanci). Morphological characterizations were based on Descriptors for Citrus (IPGRI 1999). Genetic variabilities were conducted using seven specific markers for biotic and abiotic stresses (VP, CMA, PIP1a, PIP1b, PIP2, osmotin, and Y65). The important characters of citrus rootstock for growers were tree shape, tree growth habit, number of seed, seed polyembryony, and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. JC has spheroid tree shape with spreading growth habit, while Citrumelo and Kanci have ellipsoid tree shape with erect growth habit. These characters may influence scion vigor and size. All of rootstocks observed have high number of seed and polyembryony. These rootstocks amplified PIPs and osmotin markers and could not amplify VP, CMA, and Y65 marker. These plants thought to have the characteristic of tolerance to drought stress with formation of aquaporin and osmotin but susceptible to salinity and Citrus tristeza virus.
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