Soil macrofauna diversity in andisol after eight years of Mount Sinabung eruption in Sumatra, Indonesia
Abstract. Sembiring M, Munawaroh H, Mukhlis, Hidayat B, Sabrina T. 2021. Soil macrofauna diversity in andisol after eight years of Mount Sinabung eruption in Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 3024-3030. The eruption of Mount Sinabung resulted in volcanic ash covering the soil of various thicknesses. That will affect the population and diversity of macrofauna in it. This research aimed to determine the Andisol soil macrofauna in Karo District with various thicknesses of volcanic ash covering from Mount Sinabung. This research was conducted in May 2019. Plots were placed in four locations, Location I: processed land (0 cm), Location II: Land covered by thin ash (?2 cm), Location III: Land covered by medium ash (2-5 cm), Location IV: Land covered by thick ash (?5 cm). Sampling was conducted by using the Pitfall trap, Monolith squared, and Hand sorting methods. The research results indicated that the thicker the volcanic ash covering the soil surface, it would reduce soil moisture, soil water content, organic C, and soil pH, but on the other hand, increase the soil temperature. A total of 20 species were able to live on the Andisols affected by the eruption of Mount Sinabung.
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