Representative benthic habitat mapping on Lovina coral reefs in Northern Bali, Indonesia
Abstract. Kartikasari A, Pristianto T, Hanintyo R, Ampou EE, Wibawa TA, Borneo BB. 2021. Representative benthic habitat mapping on Lovina coral reefs in Northern Bali, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 4766-4774. Satellite optical imagery datasets integrated with in situ measurements are widely used to derive the spatial distribution of various benthic habitats in coral reef ecosystems. In this study, an approach to estimate spatial coverage of those habitats based on observation derived from Sentinel-2 optical imagery and a field survey, is presented. This study focused on the Lovina coral reef ecosystem of Northern Bali, Indonesia to support deployment of artificial reefs within the Indonesian Coral Reef Garden (ICRG) programme. Three specific locations were explored: Temukus, Tukad Mungga, and Baktiseraga waters. Spatial benthic habitat coverages of these three waters was estimated based on supervised classification techniques using 10m bands of Sentinel-2 imagery and the medium scale approach (MSA) transect method of in situ measurement.The study indicates that total coverage of benthic habitat is 61.34 ha, 25.17 ha, and 27.88 ha for Temukus, Tukad Mungga, and Baktiseraga waters, respectively. The dominant benthic habitat of those three waters consists of sand, seagrass, coral, rubble, reef slope and intertidal zone. The coral reef coverage is 29.48 ha (48%) for Temukus covered by genus Acropora, Isopora, Porites, Montipora, Pocillopora. The coverage for Tukad Mungga is 8.69 ha (35%) covered by genus Acropora, Montipora, Favia, Psammocora, Porites, and the coverage for Baktiseraga is 11.37 ha (41%) covered by genus Montipora sp, Goniastrea, Pavona, Platygyra, Pocillopora, Porites, Acropora, Leptoseris, Acropora, Pocillopora, Fungia. The results are expected to be suitable as supporting data in restoring coral reef ecosystems in the northern part of Bali, especially in Buleleng District.
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