Chemical characteristics of Falcataria moluccana wood infested by Boktor stem borer (Xystrocera festiva)
Abstract. Haneda NF, Supriatna AH, Shabrina H, Istikorini Y, Siregar UJ, Wahyudi I. 2021. Chemical characteristics of Falcataria moluccana wood infested by Boktor stem borer (Xystrocera festiva). Biodiversitas 22: 4203-4208. Boktor (Xystrocera festiva Thoms.) is the most destructive and detrimental pest in Falcata plantations in Indonesia. It attacks the inner bark of sapwood when the tree reaches 3-years-old. This study aimed to analyze the chemical characteristics of Falcata woods, which were infested with Boktor in trees aged 3 and 4 years, compared to the healthy tree at 2 years old. The primary chemical components and type of extractive compounds were analyzed using standard procedures. The results showed a decrease in hemicellulose and an increase in lignin content of infected wood. This condition occurs because Boktor larvae prefer hemicellulose rather than lignin, which is related to the presence of enzymes in the digestive system of the larvae. The decreasing extractive contents as trees grow and undergo age-related shifting metabolism can be alleged as the start of Boktor infestation in 3-years-old trees. Boktor infestation also altering the wood chemical components by degrading the lignin that produced 4-vinyl-syringol. The isoeugenol compound is thought to prevent Boktor infestation in the early period of tree growth.
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