Antagonistic activity of glucanolytic bacteria Bacillus subtilis W3.15 against Fusarium oxysporum and its enzyme characterization
Abstract. Putri RE, Mubarik NR, Ambarsari L, Wahyudi AT. 2021. Antagonistic activity of glucanolytic bacteria Bacillus subtilis W3.15 against Fusarium oxysporum and its enzyme characterization. Biodiversitas 22: 4067-4077. Biocontrol of Fusarium oxysporum, a phytopathogenic fungus that causes plant wilt can be approached with cell-wall degrading enzymes such as ?-glucanase. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prospective ability in glucanase production from several soil bacterial isolates and to characterize its ?-glucanase activity of ammonium sulfate precipitation, and to determine its antifungal activity against F. oxysporum in vitro. Twenty bacterial isolates were screened qualitatively and quantitatively as ?-glucanase producers. The results showed that the prospective isolate W3.15 can produce ?-glucanase on glucan agar as the selection medium. From 16S rRNA sequences identification, the isolate belongs to the genus Bacillus, closely related to Bacillus subtilis. The enzyme activity of the ammonium sulfate fraction of isolate W3.15 is optimum at a pH of 7 and temperature range of 60-80oC. B. subtilis W3.15 exhibits high inhibition against the mycelial growth of F. oxysporum and significantly reduced fungal biomass.
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